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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Final Day

Merry Christmas!  Today is the last day of our blog posts.  Today we want you to read your patriarchal blessings, and spend some time reflecting on them.  We love you and are so glad to be able to share this blog with you.  We hope that you feel our love and our prayers for you.  You are doing a great work, and setting an amazing example for all of us. 
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Testimony of Kristi Lamborn

I know that I am not very good at sharing my testimony.  I have a hard time articulating what I feel in my heart.  I love the goodness in our church.  I love that living the gospel makes me a better person.  I am grateful for the people within the church.  I know that priesthood power is real.  I have felt it in my life.  I know that my Heavenly Father knows me and loves me.  I know that Jesus came to this earth and suffered for my sins.  I am so grateful for the opportunity to repent and try again.  I am grateful for the opportunity to attend church each week.  I am grateful for the scriptures and for personal prayer.  For the time where I am forced to slow down and focus on Christ and what is most important.  I am so grateful for the examples that I have had in my life, that have shown me what charity is.  I am grateful for parents that raised me in the church and taught me the gospel and are such great examples to me and my children.
Monday, December 22, 2014

Testimony of Steven Turner

I have always loved the Doctrine and Covenants, Section 46 ,vs 13 and 14.  It says "To some it is given by the Holy Ghost to know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, To others it is given to believe on their words, that the also might have eternal life if they continue faithful." 

I have been blessed to believe from a young age.  There are some things I know, and there are some things I believe, and I'm OK with that.  I remember when I learned for sure that the Book of Mormon is true.  I had always believed it was true, but as I prepared to leave the MTC, I knew that I needed to KNOW that it was true.  I finished reading it one day, and the next we had some time to go to the Provo temple.  I remember sitting in the celestial room after the session, praying and seeking.  I remember the feeling of complete knowledge that I received in answer to my prayer.  I do know that the Book of Mormon is true.

I also know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God.  I can't say when i particularly gained that portion of my testimony, but i clearly remember defending him as a pastor of another church attacked him, and I realized that I really did know that he was a prophet of God.

I believe that families can be together forever, and I'm grateful for that doctrine.  As I get older and my body starts to break down and seize up, I really look forward to living in a perfect, glorified state with my family.

I am so thankful for the Holy Ghost that can be a part of our life as we let him in.  With out the Holy Ghost, life would sure be a lot tougher. 

Most of all, I know that the Savior lives, and that he loves you and me.  Jesus Christ performed the atonement for me (and you), and I am forever in his debt.  I know that repentance is the means of returning to our Father in Heaven some day, and is only made possibly because my Savior paid the penalty for my innumerable sins.

Mom and Dad, I do know that your service is so important, and I'm so proud of you for being willing to go where and when you were called (even though the carribean is nice in the winter).  Thank you for taking the time to teach me as a kid, to help me understand the doctrines of the gospel, and to allow me to learn and grow.
Sunday, December 21, 2014

Letter from Kristi

Dear Mom & Dad,

I love you!  I am so glad that you are my parents.  My children are lucky to have you as grandparents.  The kids talk of you often, and they are excited that they have grandparents on a mission. 

We are madly trying to get ready for Christmas, and then for a week of traveling.  It is so nice to be closer to everybody this year!  Hopefully the roads cooperate with us.  :)

The kids are settling into our new life nicely.  They are all making friends.  We all love the new house, and all of the extra space, and the yard is amazing!  I am so excited to show it all to you when you come.  I have also been very impressed with the schools.  Eliza is really thriving this year.  We just got her report card and her best grade is in Language Arts.  Peter and I both laughed about that.  All of the kids really love their teachers, and they all seem to mesh really well with them. 

I have to admit that Christmas is making me miss you even more.  I am so grateful for the service that you are giving and I am so glad that they people out there get to know what wonderful, amazing people that you are.  I have always been impressed with how well you both interact with so many different people.  You both have a way of making others feel comfortable and loved.  I know that you are doing important work and that you are blessing the lives of many.  Including yourself and your kids and grand-kids.  :)

We love you so much!!! 

Friday, December 19, 2014

Testimony of Hyrum Lamborn

I like to learn about everything at Church.  I like the sacrament, because the water represents Jesus’s blood and the bread represents his body.  I have friends at church, they are nice to me.  I believe in Jesus Christ.  

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Testimony of Reed Turner

My Testimony

I have a testimony of Jesus Christ and His mission of providing salvation for me and you and every person who has ever or will ever live on earth. I can say He truly is the Savior of the world and mean it. I can say He truly does love me, and you, and every person who lives or ever has lived. What does that mean?

It means I know in my heart and soul that Jesus Christ lives today, that the accounts in the Bible and the Book of Mormon of Him and the things He did are true and really did happen. It means I know that the promises He made will happen.

He is the Son of God, our older brother, and He really does know and love each one of us. Because of him we can be an eternal family, together forever. Because of Him, even when we make mistakes, big or small, we can repent and recover and continue. Because of Him we can experience joy and peace and love. Because of Him we can succeed in the righteous things we try to accomplish.

We all have challenges, that is what life is about, learning to do hard things, learning to face and overcome problems, learning to love and help and accept others as they work through their own
problems. Jesus helps us do this, He shows us the right way, He helps us as we try, and most important of all, He provides us a way to recover when we make mistakes. He does this out of pure love, as our elder brother who wants us to succeed and be just like him and as much a part of the family as He is.

I know He loves us. I know He knows us. I know He helps us. The one most important thing I have learned on this mission is how little we can really do on our own but how much we can do in partnership with our Savior. Like life, a mission is hard. Like life, it is impossible to do all the things that are there to be done. But with Christ, we can do the things that really matter and we can make a difference in the lives and paths of ourselves and others, and that is enough. We never get everything done and we go to bed at night tired and spent, but we go to bed grateful for the things our Savior has helped us do and has led us through, rather than discouraged for the things we have not yet done.

We still make mistakes, we still sin, we are still imperfect, but we keep trying because we have the Savior on our side. He is there, he does love us, and He is our elder brother, the perfect all loving, all knowing Son of God.

Elder Reed Turner
November 13, 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Letter from Doug

Dear Mom and Dad (or, Elder and Sister Turner),

Well, how about a Christmas letter?  By the time you get this it will be old news, thanks to the technology of this day and age.  That said, it’s been great to talk with you guys every week and even skype occasionally.  I can’t imagine how much harder this would be if you were only allowed 1 or 2 calls home a year…  That would be rough on everybody! 

It’s been a pretty different year without you guys here though-  the boys didn’t get their week with Grandma and Grandpa, and we didn’t get our week without the boys while they were with Grandma and Grandpa.  No trip to Canada- a first in a VERY VERY long time.  No July the 1st, no Waterton, no stuffing our faces with all the yummy food while visiting with friends. 

However, I just want to say again how thankful we are that you are doing what you are doing.  Your mission has had a wonderful affect on our family.  I have been given opportunities to talk about the church to people I normally wouldn’t have had any reason to.  Our boys love the fact that their Grandma and Grandpa are missionaries, and I’m sure they have had opportunities as well to tell people about what you are doing.

The world keeps marching on.  When you get home things will be different, but this is a good thing.  Just think about all of the house repairs and moving boxes you didn’t have to deal with while you were away! 

Right.  Christmas.  I want you guys to know that you did a wonderful job of teaching me the true meaning of Christmas.  It still to this day bugs the heck out of me when people write it as “X-mas”.  Yes, I was probably not the best Joseph in our nativity scene, no, I was not happy to have to do random acts of kindness to earn a single blade of straw to put in the manger, and sure, maybe I wasn’t super excited about writing my gift to Jesus on a block of wood and wrapping it up as a present and putting it in the sleigh that sat on the table.  Interesting though how those things stick out the most to me now, especially as we go through many similar things with our boys.

Thank you for teaching me who Christ is and why its so important to celebrate his birth.  Thank you for your wonderful examples. 
Enjoy your Christmas in a new way and in a new world this year, but know that we look forward to spending many more with you to carry on the traditions that y’all started.


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Testimony of Heidi Turner

Sé que el Evangelio es verdadero , es eterno e inmutable . Sé que soy una hija de Dios y que Él me ama . El Espíritu Santo me ha testificado de  estas cosas y debido a ella  lo sé por mí misma que son verdaderas . Una de las cosas mas importante para mí es que yo recuerdo claramente las experiencias que he tenido en el que  sentí el espíritu  enseñandome de los principios del Evangelio . Yo sé que el Libro de Mormón es verdadero y que José Smith fue un profeta llamado por Dios para restaurar la iglesia en los últimos días . También sé que el presidente Monson es un profeta . Cristo es el centro del evangelio y el plan de Dios . Él es nuestro hermano y nuestro Salvador . Sin él no podríamos volver al Padre . Sé que podemos volver a vivir con nuestro Padre como familias, y esta cosa me dad tanta esperanza.
Monday, December 15, 2014

Testimony of Clara Lamborn

Church … Fun … Yum … Play … Friends … Kiss

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Testimony of Sarah Turner

I know that God lives and loves each one of us. I know that he knows us personally and has a plan for our lives. I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost that guides and directs us and makes know God’s plan for us. My life has been greatly blessed as I strive to follow the perfect example of our Savior. I am thankful for that example and all that Jesus Christ has done for us. I have had the opportunity to feel the healing power of the atonement in my life. Through prayer and scripture study I have come to know the truth of the gospel. Because I have done my best to stay true and faithful, I have received wonderful blessings, the greatest of which are my husband and children. Knowing that I can be with them for eternity is the most absolutely amazing thought. I love them so much! I am full of gratitude toward my Father in Heaven and his love for me.
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Testimony of Emma Turner

I have been a member of the church since I was 8 years old.  I have been a convert of the church since I was 18.  I remember the day vividly.  I was attending Ricks College.  My roommates and I had gone to church and were walking home.  One of them commented that she hoped we had locked the apartment.  Another roommate said something like it didn’t matter, we had our testimonies with us and that was the only thing of worth that mattered.  It struck me then that I did have a testimony!  I realized that I was now going to church because I wanted to.  Not because my parents wanted me to.  It was a big revelation to me!

Since that day, I have tried to be better and do better.  I am not a great scriptorian, but I have tried to live my life with honor.  I was lucky enough to find a good man who loved the Lord.  That made it easy to keep the commitments I made in the temple.

I have felt a strong confirmation of things like that only a handful of times in my life.  One was when I realized that I would marry Reed if he asked me.  It was a very similar experience to knowing the church was true.  It was just a kind of “waking up”.  Suddenly, I could not doubt.  I could only accept and move forward.

Most of the time, my testimony has grown through small steps.  Usually it is little whisperings and insights here and there.  Trials have strengthened me .  When we weren’t able to have children when we wanted to, I had to have faith and trust in the Lord.  I had to believe that my patriarchal blessing would be fulfilled and accept that it might not even happen in this life time.  I had to walk in the dark for a little while.  I have learned that walking in the dark makes the light on the other side so much brighter!  I am grateful for the experience now because I think it made me a better mother when I finally got the opportunity.

When it came to making big decisions like moving Illinois and Canada, I had to walk in the dark again and trust that the decisions we made were right.  It is not easy for me to “let go” and just “look up”.  I know that the choices we made were right for our family at the time.

Most recently, I had the strong confirmation that we should go on a mission.  This was a shock to me!  I had always known that we would go on a mission and I would do it, but I didn’t think I would be excited about it!  I tend to do things more out of a sense of duty and of wanting to be dependable.  But for the past several years, I have been trying to do things simply because I love Christ.  That puts a whole new meaning to things.  About a year before the decision to come on a mission, I started praying that a change would come into our lives.  We were happy and comfortable, but something was missing.  I knew it would be hard for Reed to leave his “stuff”.  That worried me a lot and I wondered how I could convince him to leave it all behind.  I need not have worried.  It was in God’s hands and he took care of it.

We were led to come on our mission; just as we were led to each other, and led to Illinois, and led to Canada.  Sometimes I balk at the changes, but in hindsight, I can see how God’s hand was always in our decision making.  Even when we made not great decisions, He made it right for us.

My testimony has only gotten stronger since being on a mission.  As we work closely with the young missionaries, I see how they are blessed both physically and spiritually.  I have gone contacting with them in the dark in areas that I would not want to go at noon!  I know the Lord watches out for them.  I see their deep knowledge of the gospel and love of the Lord.  It is absolutely amazing to me that we have over 84,000 young men and women who love the Lord enough to leave their families.  It is incredible!

I have seen the great importance of having Senior Couples and Sisters serve missions.  There is so much work we can do to help the work go forward.  There is so much we do to allow the young ones to teach.  They cannot teach and pay all the bills and pick up all the mail and deal with landlords and sickness and buying supplies and the many other things the Seniors can do.  I am glad that we can make their life a little easier and help their parents sleep a little better knowing that someone is watching out for their child.

I don’t know the scriptures well.  I don’t know the doctrine well, I don’t do everything as well as I would like.  I feel inadequate in so many ways.  But I do know that God loves ME!  Warts and all.  And I love HIM!  And I am doing my best to serve Him and build his Kingdom here on earth and show my love to Him.

Sister Emma Turner
November 11, 2014
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Testimony of Peter Lamborn

I have faith in Jesus Christ.  I believe in the atonement as the way to receive forgiveness for our sins.  I believe the gospel was restored to Joseph Smith.  I believe the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that church.  I have faith that our Church leaders receive inspiration from God on how to direct the Church.  I believe in following that inspired council.  I enjoy going to the Temple and find peace there.  I have faith that we will be an eternal family.  I believe in stepping into the unknown, with trust in God.  I believe in miracles and answers to prayers.

I believe there are good things to come.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Letter from Steve

Well hello Elder and Sister Turner!

I hope this letter finds you both well!  Our family is always excited to hear from you, whether it be a facebook post, a phone call, a blog post for family home evening, or an email.  Thanks so much for setting a wonderful example for our children!  (and for us too!)  Heidi and I look forward to the day we can serve a senior mission.  Thanks fro being good examples for us in more than just the mission though.  WE appreciate all that you've done for us, starting even before I was born! 

The weather here has been pretty nice this week!  It was in the 40s for a couple of days.  the mountains are supposed to get some great snow tonight, so we'll see what they end up with.  we got just a bit of rain.  I've still been busy trying to get the yard, the garden, the land, the cars, and the house ready for winter.  I think I'm almost there.  I took the truck, the flex and the suby all in for alignments this week, and put the winter tires on two of the three.  I got the snow plow put on the four wheeler and the lawn tractor.  I left the rototiller on the lawn tractor, because last time I tried pushing snow with it, it had absolutely no traction!  Is there much lawn on the Islands?  Have you been able to help anyone fix their lawnmower yet?  I bet they would think you're two of the most wealthy people in the world if they heard how many lawnmowers you had!!

Work has been pretty good.  Heidi's schedule has been awesome this semester.  She leaves just before Ridge gets on the bus and gets home just before he gets off the bus.  Nali and Trek love going over to the Curtis house, so it all works out quite nicely.  Nicole next door is going to have a baby here in the next month or so, so that might throw a bit of a wrench in the setup, but We'll work it out I'm sure. 

Its been fun to watch Trek start really gaining personality, but calming down at the same time.  Hes by far been our most cantankerous kid.  Always grumbling about something.  He even pushes his bottom lip out!!  Anyways, lately hes started communicating a whole bunch and now hes just so much happier.  He still has his moments, but hes way better!  Ridge and Nali are also growing so much.  You'll see them soon enough, and I think you'll be surprised!

Well have you decided if you're buying an Idaho house when you get home?  We can keep an eye on the market for you if you'd like, and even go look at some houses for you.  Where are you thinking?  What style would you like? 

Today Heidi canned about 30 jars of stuff.  She did chicken, apple sauce and apple juice.  She was busy all day long!  I don't know how she does it, especially with the kids trying to help.  They wear me out! 

Dad, how is it being the Branch President?  Mom, have you received any callings in the branch?  How is the french coming?  Did you find that it slowed way down when you started traveling between the islands, or are you still trying to pick it up, even while you're on St Lucia?

Well, I best be getting to bed, but from all of us here at the turner home, we love you!!  Thank you again for all you do for each one of us.  again, we are grateful for your service!  Let us know if there is anything we can do for you.  Thanks ma and pa!!

The Steve and Dr. Heidi Turner family...
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Testimony of Maxton Lamborn

I believe that Jesus is real.  I believe the Holy Ghost is real.  I believe in angels. I believe in the Church.  I like to help people.  It is fun for me.  I like my primary class, because I learn about Jesus.  I love the sacrament, because I can think about Jesus at church.  I can pray any time.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.  

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Testimony of Doug Turner

I know that Heavenly Father knows and loves me, and that he sent his Son Jesus Christ to provide a way for me to return to him some day.  I know that Jesus suffered for me and that because of His sacrifice it is possible for me to be forgiven of my sins.  I’m so very thankful for all of the millions of blessing that have been given to me- first and foremost my family and friends.  I know that the true gospel of Jesus Christ was restored through the prophet Joseph Smith and I’m thankful for the teachings of that church, for the joy that comes to my life as I strive to follow those teachings.  I’m glad for the wonderful examples set for me by my awesome parents as they serve the Lord on their mission, for the work they are doing and for the experiences they share with me.  I’m also thankful for the scriptures, for the blessings and insights I receive as I study them, and know that the Book of Mormon is true.  I know that we have living prophets today, and am thankful for the guidance we can receive from them as we study their words to us.  Most of all, I want my family both near and far to know that I love them, and that I know this church is true.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Testimony of Eliza Lamborn

I know the church is true.  I know that men will not suffer for Adam’s transgression.  I believe in Jesus Christ.  I believe in Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit.  I like going to Church, because I get to learn new things.  I like reading the Book of Mormon.  Whenever I read the Book of Mormon I feel the spirit.  After I was baptised, I felt really really good.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


Monday, December 1, 2014


Merry Christmas Mom & Dad!

We know that you don't need many things with you right now, so Heidi had a great idea to create a blog to share with you instead of sending you gifts this year.  Check back each day until Christmas for a new post from someone in the family.  We hope that you enjoy the wonderful things that we have planned for you!  :)

We love you so much!  We are so proud of you and what you are doing!  Good luck and God bless you in all your endeavors!