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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Testimony of Heidi Turner

Sé que el Evangelio es verdadero , es eterno e inmutable . Sé que soy una hija de Dios y que Él me ama . El Espíritu Santo me ha testificado de  estas cosas y debido a ella  lo sé por mí misma que son verdaderas . Una de las cosas mas importante para mí es que yo recuerdo claramente las experiencias que he tenido en el que  sentí el espíritu  enseñandome de los principios del Evangelio . Yo sé que el Libro de Mormón es verdadero y que José Smith fue un profeta llamado por Dios para restaurar la iglesia en los últimos días . También sé que el presidente Monson es un profeta . Cristo es el centro del evangelio y el plan de Dios . Él es nuestro hermano y nuestro Salvador . Sin él no podríamos volver al Padre . Sé que podemos volver a vivir con nuestro Padre como familias, y esta cosa me dad tanta esperanza.


  1. I had to Google translate this. While it's not a perfect translation, I think I have the gist of it. Thank you for sharing your testimony and Thank you for being the person you are!

    I know the gospel is true, is eternal and unchanging. I know I am a child of God and that He loves me. The Holy Ghost has testified to me of these things and because of it I know for myself that they are true. One of the most important things for me is that I remember clearly the experiences I've had in teaching me that I felt the spirit of gospel principles. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith was a prophet called by God to restore the church in the last days. I also know that President Monson is a prophet. Christ is the center of the gospel and God's plan. He is our brother and our Savior. Without it we would not return to the Father. I know we can return to live with our Father as families, and this thing gives me so much hope.
